Saturday, December 21, 2019


Meetings can bring about moments that could last forever in our hearts, which can eventually be seen clearer than it has been, even in other perspectives on that day.
This moments can change us abruptly (turning points of life) or help us keep going on (not to be utterly cast down), with God's help, in the direction of His will. 
These are God given moments, that can be surely felt when we, ourselves as casts in these moments, have learned God's will which are written in the Bible.
Moments we experienced long ago can be brought back to our hearts by hearing God's words.

Further edifying our faith that everything that happens is for the good of the people of God, we act.
With enough wisdom we can deal with our tribulations, as we remember God's grace and mercy,

through the moments we were in: either we recall audibly or visually, restitution can happen.
The participants in these moments aside from ourselves are pulled closer towards our affection, too.
Though with the advancement of technologies, we can hear hints about their whereabouts and well beings: not knowing how good or bad the situation they are in could be worrisome; but, through prayers and supplications, with thanksgiving, even though they are far, they become closer to our hearts.

We greatly desire to see these people, being mindful of their tears, that we may be filled with joy.
However, hearing that they are sick, but knowing not how severe, could break our hearts apart but our savior Jesus Christ gives us peace:  someday, though here or not, we can meet again;

since surely one Day, we can all be together again in all eternity.

And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching. (Hebreo 10:24-25 NRSV)
Thanks be to God!